Dancing with the percussions

Cet événement s'est terminé le vendredi 29 septembre 2023

Dates :

  • 15 septembre 2023
  • 29 septembre 2023

Adresse :

Danse-Salsa, École de danses latines et afro-caribéennes
1-3 Rue D'Eich,
L-1461 Luxembourg

We kindly ask you to reserve your place by filling out our form.

Course prices.

The first trial lesson is 15€ per person and offered with the purchase of a subscription.

Participating in this music course will teach you understanding of the Latin music and rhythm, will raise up your esthetic taste.

It is well-known that the dance and the music have close relationship.
Moreover, the dance can visually express the messages and the ideas hidden in the music.
The connection or the bridge between those two elements is the synchronization.
There are some rules and special music tools that can help you to dance according to the special style of the Latin music which we share in our course.
Anna and Ramiro will make you familiar with the different styles of the Latin music, like bolero, son, cha cha cha, rumba, bachata, pilón, etc… and teach you to recognize them and dance correctly according to their rhythmical sections.

This music course gives you the way to understand the Latin music and rhythm, will raise up your esthetic taste and transform you in an enthusiastic, happy and confident dancer!

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